How Are We Different?

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Customized Care

At Friends at Binny’s, we serve children and parents in small, exclusive groups of less than 10. This smaller, more intimate environment allows us to more readily respond to unique developmental needs of each child. Our small group model also offers our kids the chance to take mini-field trips to the park, library, stores, farms, museums, OMSI and the Zoo.

Consistency From School to Home

We know what’s going on in the school environment and reinforce the education, mindsets, and values your child receives at school while in our care. We also recognize the child needs space and time to allow for relaxation and rest after a long day of learning. We individually work with each child in our care to help them find the right balance to their schedules to ensure both physical and mental wellbeing.

clean & Safe

Our home is cleaned consistently and our small group of children ensures we are able to keep close track of any child who may be falling ill. We routinely practice regulated safety protocols in the event of an emergency.

A Focus on Life Skills

At Friends at Binny’s, day to day, your child will enjoy a consistent experience. Our gentle, but firm approach strongly reinforces life skills including having boundaries, pleasant manners, and strong values.

Targeted Ages

Many other caregivers take a scattershot approach to age and therefore the needs of the child. We only serve children ages 3 and above, ensuring that our team is mobile and able to provide better, more direct care to your child.

the difference is home

Most of our children spend a large portion of their day in a learning institution, so when they transition into our home, they feel happy and at ease as if they are entering a home away from home. While opportunities to learn, socialize, explore and play are still provided, they can approach these activities in a more relaxed state.